TimeDirect Secure Sign Up

All accounts are set up manually by a technician. Turnaround time is usually one business day.

Unlike other services, we install a completely unique instance of the TimeDirect application
and database on our servers for your company. This provides a high level of security, and gives
us maximum flexibility for future customizations if the need arises.

We will contact you via email when your account is active. While you are waiting, we will send
you a welcome email with tips on getting your application set up when it is online.

Enter your company, contact, and billing information below. All fields are required.
Please review the Terms of Service

Company Contact Information:

Contact First Name:
Contact Last Name:
Contact eMail Address:
Contact Phone:
Company Name:
(Displayed on login page)
Company Address:
Zip/Postal code:
Administrator Userid: (8 - 10 characters, upper and lower case letters, numbers, and ! @ $ are acceptable)
Administrator Password: (8 - 10 characters, upper and lower case letters, numbers, and ! @ $ are acceptable)

Billing Information:

Billing Contact First Name:
Billing Contact Last Name:
Billing Contact email:
Billing Contact Phone:

Payment Method:

Visa   MasterCard   American Express   Discover

Cardholder's name as it appears on the card:

Credit Card Number: (no dashes please)

Expiration Date: (use MMYY format - for example, enter May 2015 as 0515)

Credit card billing Zip/Postal Code:

Card Security Code:    What's This?

If you have not done so, please review the special pricing for U.S. Veterans.
If you are taking advantage of the U.S. Veteran special pricing,
sometime during your trial period we may ask you to provide
verification - a military id, etc. Please estimate below the
number of login accounts you will be creating for U.S. Veterans.

Please estimate your total number of users:

Of those, please estimate your total number of U.S. veteran users:

Special Offer Code:

Comments: (any other information or questions)

Please review the TimeDirect Terms of Service

Your account automatically includes a 30 day free trial.
After that your account will be charged based on your user count unless you contact us to cancel.